We are so much more than what we are told.

We are the confident quiet hiding inside trembling bones.The still water beyond the crashing waves.
We are invisible, infinite depth. We are peace. We are magic.

It follows us, a shadow always only a few steps behind.It catches up. Floods our lungs. Holds us down.Until we learn to tear it away. To see what waits behind it.

But we are taught to see weakness in anything that does not shout its own existence.We learn hatred, to despise what is different.We sand ourselves down to what fits the mould.

Now, we find it within us
Petal softness that belies immense strength.
It will not close into a fist. It will not push at its own truth.
It is the light. The magic.
We are learning, now, to embrace it.
Duality is a hand-embroidered unisex suede jacket inspired by androgyny. The jacket is a symbol of honest self expression. It explores the space between the "masculine" and the "feminine", where identity functions without absolutes. It aims to empower individuals to break free of stereotypes and find comfort in their own skin.
Now available in store.
Jacket Design & Concept | Indou Theagrajan for Indie Culture & Vishnu Valsan
Photography & Concept | Shani Shaki
Styling | Aarya Maria Mathai, Shani Shaki
Models | Samson lei, Unni.P.S
Poetry | Tarana Reddy